Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64



Places in dormitories of Kostanay Socio-Technical University named after Academician Zulkharnai Aldamzhar for the 2024-2025 academic year will be provided, subject to the availability of supporting documents, to students of 1-4 courses belonging to the following priority categories in accordance with the order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 30, 2022 No. 219 “On approval of the Rules for the allocation of places in dormitories of higher education organizations and (or) postgraduate education”:

1) persons with disabilities, persons with disabilities since childhood, children with disabilities, orphans and children left without parental care, persons whose one or both parents are persons with disabilities;

2) persons from among the youth left without parental care until adulthood, veterans equated to veterans of the Great Patriotic War on benefits, persons from among rural youth enrolled in educational programs that determine the socio-economic development of the village, as well as candace;

3) students enrolled in the first year, who have the sign “Altyn Belgi”, students who have a certificate of the winner or prize-winner of the Presidential, international and republican Olympiad and (or) competition, as well as applicants who graduated from the organization with honors with a supporting document of education (certificate, certificate, diploma);

4) students enrolled in the first year of study in accordance with the state educational order, who have a high score based on the results of the Unified National Testing or Comprehensive Testing, entrance exams in subjects or in the form of testing conducted by the organization;

5) students from among the senior students who have high results in educational, scientific and social work;

6) international students;

7) other students.

The application for the provision of places in dormitories for the 2024-2025 academic year will be available from August 20, 2024 (for consideration by the Commission on the allocation of places in dormitories), with the exception of senior students (after September 15, 2024).

You must submit an online application using the link

For more information, please contact the Educational Work Department:

avenue. Kobylandy batyr, 27

8 (7142) 55-38-14


Apply for a check-in online

Заявка на общежитие

Rules for the allocation of places in the hostel

Regulations on accommodation in a hostel

Information about the availability of vacant places in the hostel (28.08.2024)

Dormitory Total seats Allocated Seats
Dormitory № 1 Kurgan street, 5 154 154 100
Dormitory № 2 avenue. Kobylandy batyr, 54 150 150 80
Total 304 304 180

Rules for checking into dormitories

Approved document

Check-in to the hostel is carried out from August 20, 2024.

Places in the hostel are allocated on a competitive basis by a specially created commission.


The student’s written application in the prescribed form (according to the Appendix to these Rules) is registered by an employee of the Student Service Center of the Higher Educational Institution (hereinafter referred to as the DSP) within 15 minutes (Kobylandy Batyr str., 27, main building, 1st floor, room 102) and submitted for consideration to the commission within 1 (one) working day.
The competition commission, based on the results of consideration of applications, decides on the provision of places in the hostel, taking into account the grounds and priority, within 3 (three) working days.


An application for accommodation in a dormitory of the established standard. A sample application is attached.
A photocopy of the contract, certificate of enrollment for the 1st year of full-time education; for students of the 2nd and 3rd courses – a certificate from the DSP about training, indicating the form of study (grant, commercial).
Certificate of medical examination. The certificate is issued after receiving the application for settlement.
Payment for accommodation in the hostel is made after receipt of the application for settlement and amounts to 30,000 tenge for 1 month of stay. Accommodation is provided until July 1, 2025. The settlement Commission considers the application if there is a receipt.

Payment is made at the university’s cash desk or at a bank branch. The receipt is filled in with the student’s full name (filling in the receipt with the parents’ full name, etc. is PROHIBITED!), the name of the payment: for accommodation in the hostel, the address of the hostel must be indicated.

5. A copy of the identity card.

6. Medical certificate from the skin and venereal clinic in Kostanay

7. Certificate of completion of fluorography, for a period of no more than one year



The competition commission distributes places in the dormitory, taking into account the grounds and priority, in the following priority order:

persons with disabilities from among the disabled, disabled children, disabled people of groups I and II, III, disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care (check-in out of turn):
students enrolled in the first year, who have the sign “Altyn Belgi”, students who have a certificate of the winner of the Presidential, international and republican Olympiad and (or) competition, as well as applicants who graduated from an educational institution with honors with a supporting document of education (certificate, certificate, diploma) (accommodation is paid);
students enrolled in the first year of study in accordance with the state educational order, who have a high score based on the results of the Unified National Testing or Comprehensive Testing, entrance exams in subjects or in the form of testing conducted by the organization (accommodation is paid).
persons from among the youth left without parental care at the time of reaching adulthood, persons equated with benefits and guarantees to participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, persons from among rural youth enrolled in specialties that determine the socio-economic development of the village, as well as oralmans who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan (accommodation is paid);
students from among the senior students who have high results in educational, scientific and social work (accommodation is paid).

Minutes of the meeting of the competition committee for accommodation in the hostel

Approved document


1. Baykadamov N.T., Vice-rector for Educational Work and Public Relations -Chairman of the Commission

2. Zhanbatyrova -Sabitova B.A., — specialist in working with students – Secretary of the commission

3. Alibekova N.M., head of the OP “Humanities” — member of the commission

4. Komissarova O.V., Head of the OP “Business and Management” — member of the commission

5. Kaspaeva R.S., head of OP “Pravo” — member of the commission

6. Mukasheva A.A., head of the OP “Technical Sciences” — member of the commission

7. Munarbayeva B.G., head of the OP “Natural Sciences” — member of the commission 8.The commandant of the dormitory is Suleymanova G.Sh. – a member of the commission 9.Taktarbekova Ayim Serikovna, a 3rd year student of the OP “PMNO” — a member of the commission

The agenda:

Discussion and approval of lists of students to move into the dormitory for the 2023-2024 academic year.

1. Listened to

— Speaker: Baykadamov N.T., Vice-rector for Educational Work and Public Relations

by the public — with a proposal for the settlement of students, according to the application submitted to the student dormitory at 5 Kurganskaya St.

— Spoke: Suleymanova G.Sh., the commandant spoke in detail about the regime and rules of accommodation, household and other conditions of the hostel.

— Speaker: Zhanbatyrova -Sabitova B.A., — Student relations specialist: read out the list of students in need of places in the hostel. The provision of beds can be considered 100%

The composition of the competition committee for accommodation in a student dormitory

Approved document

1. Baykadamov N.T., Vice—rector for Educational Work and Public Relations – Chairman of the Commission

2. Zhanbatyrova -Sabitova B.A., — specialist in working with students – Secretary of the commission


Members of the Commission:

3. Yelibaev T.A., Secretary of the admissions committee

4. Alibekova N.M., head of the OP “Humanities”

5. Komissarova O.V., Head of the OP “Business and Management”

6. Kaspaeva R.S., head of OP “Pravo”

7. Mukasheva A.A., head of the OP “Technical Sciences”

8. Munarbayeva B.G., head of the OP “Natural Sciences”

9. Suleymanova G.Sh., the commandant of the hostel – a member of the commission 10. Duspaeva G.B., the commandant of the hostel – a member of the commission

11 . Taktarbekova Ayim Serikovna, 3rd year student of the OP “PMNO”

Regulations on the student residence

Approved document

The present Regulation on the student dormitory of the Kostanay Socio-Technical University named after Academician Z.Aldamjar (hereinafter referred to as the University) defines and establishes requirements for the functioning of the dormitory.

The requirements of this Regulation are mandatory for the management of all responsible persons and students living in the hostel.

This Regulation is included in the documentation of the KSTU quality management system.


The following normative references are used in this Regulation:

2.1. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 “On Education”. as of 08/28/2021;

2.2. The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 15, 2013 “On Public services as of 02.01.2021 N° 399-VI

2.3. Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On approval of the Rules for the allocation of places in dormitories of educational organizations, dated January 22, 2016 N° 66 (as of 12/30/2020 N° 557);

2.4. The Charter of the University.


3.1. The student dormitory as a structural subdivision of the University in its activities is guided by the housing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, legislation in the field of education, this Regulation, the Charter and other local acts of the University.

3.2. The student dormitory is intended for temporary residence and accommodation for the period of study of nonresident full-time students.

3.3. Provided that nonresident students are fully provided with places in the student dormitory, the University has the right to make a decision on accommodation in the dormitory:

— students in additional professional education programs for temporary residence during their full-time studies;

— other categories of students and staff invited to work at the University from other regions.

3.4. Foreign citizens studying at the University are accommodated in a dormitory on a common basis with students from among the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3.5. The hostel is financed from the University budget, fees for the use of the hostel and other extra-budgetary funds received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities.

3.6. Outsiders, as well as other organizations and institutions, are not allowed to stay in the hostel.

3.7. In accordance with sanitary norms and rules, recreation rooms, sports, computer, reading rooms, rooms for household services and catering (dining room, showers, washrooms, ironing rooms, etc.) are organized in the hostel.

3.8. Sanitary facilities are allocated and equipped in accordance with the sanitary norms and rules of the device, equipment and maintenance of the hostel.

Z.9. The general management of the work in the student dormitory to strengthen and develop the material base, create conditions for the safety of residents, and organize household services for those living in the dormitory is entrusted to the rector of KSTU.


4.1 The provision of a place in the hostel is made on the basis of a decision of the Commission for the settlement of students. The settlement Commission is formed from among the university staff and approved by the rector.

To obtain a place in the dormitory, students submit an application addressed to the rector and provide the following documents:

— certificate of medical examination,

— receipt of payment for accommodation,

— photo 3*4 (3 pcs.),

— a photocopy of the identity card.

4.2 Categories of students who have the right to move into the hostel out of turn:

— children from orphanages and orphan students who have provided the appropriate supporting documents (accommodation is free regardless of the course);

— students with disabilities who have provided the appropriate supporting documents (accommodation is paid regardless of the course);

— Students who arrived from other regions, as well as foreign students who provided photocopies of their passport, visa, registration (accommodation is paid, regardless of the course).

4.3 The places in the dormitory allocated to nonresident family students are determined by the Commission based on the available housing stock.

4.4 The procedure for accepting applications from family students in need of a dormitory is established by the Commission. Check-in is carried out on a general basis.

4.5 Upon check-in to the dormitory, students must be familiar with this Regulation and undergo appropriate safety instructions for the operation of household appliances, household radio equipment, familiarize themselves with the established procedure for using personal household appliances and the procedure for vacating places in the dormitory. The briefing is conducted by a safety engineer.

4.6 The amount of payment for accommodation in the hostel is established by the accounting, financial control and planning department and approved by the rector. The payment for accommodation in the hostel is made through the bank to the current account of the university, as well as through the university’s cash desk

4.7 The fee for accommodation in the hostel is charged to students on a monthly basis, when students leave during the vacation period, no fee is charged for any additional services.

4.8 The fee for the use of the dormitory by families from among the students (primarily family students) is charged according to the standards established for students, for the number of seats in the room occupied by the family, which is determined by the dormitory passport. The passport of the hostel includes all the information

about the hostel, the number of places, the quadrature, etc. is approved by the rector of the university and the commandant of the hostel.

4.9 In case of eviction, the resident is obliged to vacate the occupied living space in the hostel within the time limit set by the Commission, handing over the living space to the commandant in a clean state and all the received inventory in good condition.


5.1 Admission to the student dormitory is carried out by a security officer upon presentation of a student ID

5.2. In case of transfer of a student ID to unauthorized persons and repeated loss (up to three times), measures are applied, up to eviction

5.3 Residents are allowed to enter the hostel from 7:00 to 23:00. The commandant is obliged to make a record in the log of all residents who arrived from 00.00 to 07.00 hours.

The entrance of guests and visitors to the hostel is prohibited, with the exception of close relatives, parents of residents, university staff conducting rounds or raids of dormitories (entry of guests and visitors to the hostel is allowed in the period from 12.00-21.00 no more than 2 people per student).

5.4 . In case of violation of the established requirements, the resident in the hostel provides an explanatory note to the commandant.

The commandant submits an appropriate memo to the Department of Educational work for further transfer of materials to the Commission for consideration for disciplinary action.

5.5 Any tactless actions towards employees, the commandant or a member of the voluntary student law enforcement squad, refusal to present a student ID or an identity document, is regarded as a gross violation of these Regulations and the internal regulations of students


6.1 Residents of the hostel have the right to:

-to live in a fixed living space (room) for one academic year at the University;

-use the premises for educational and cultural purposes, equipment, and inventory of the hostel;

— to elect the Student Council of the dormitory (the student council of the dormitory is elected from among the residents by voting and approved by the vice-rector for educational work) and be elected to its composition;

– participate through the Student Council of the hostel in solving issues of improving the living conditions of students, organizing extracurricular educational work and leisure, equipment and decoration of living quarters and rooms.

6.2 Residents of the hostel are obliged to:

— comply with the decisions of the Student Settlement Commission on relocation to another residential building of the student dormitory;

-strictly observe the rules of residence in the hostel (Appendix 1) and the rules of internal regulations of students, safety, fire and public safety;

— take care of the premises, equipment and inventory of the hostel, use electricity and water sparingly, keep clean living rooms and common areas, clean your living rooms daily;

— timely, in accordance with the established procedure, to pay for accommodation;

— to compensate for the material damage caused in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

— take care of the safety of personal belongings (the management of the hostel is not responsible for things that have not been deposited);

-to hand over the spare keys to the locks of the doors of the living rooms to the commandant of the dormitories;

— not to interfere with the management in the performance of official duties related to the inspection of living rooms, public areas of the hostel;

— upon departure from the hostel for an extended period (holidays, business trip and other reasons), inform the floor superintendents and hand over the bed to the commandant.

6.3 Residents of the dormitory may be involved by the Student Council of the dormitory in extracurricular activities for self-maintenance, landscaping and landscaping of the dormitory territory, cosmetic repairs of the rooms they occupy, systematic (at least twice a month) general cleaning of the premises of the student dormitory and the assigned territory and other types of work in compliance with labor protection rules.

6.4 For violation of the rules of residence in the hostel and the rules of internal regulations for residents on the recommendation of the Department of educational work, heads of educational programs. The Settlement Commission may decide to apply a measure of public influence, impose disciplinary and other types of penalties, up to eviction from the student dormitory.

6.5 Residents of the hostel are prohibited:

-to carry out any redevelopment and re-equipment in the occupied premises;

— allow unauthorized persons to stay in your room;

— transfer your pass to unauthorized persons;

— move inventory from one room to another;

— to consume, contribute, distribute, store alcoholic and

narcotic products;

-to appear in the hostel in a state of alcoholic and narcotic intoxication;

— to move from one room to another without permission;

— use personal energy-intensive electrical appliances and equipment in living rooms;

— enter the hostel after 23:00 h.;

— create conflict situations.


7.1 For violation of these Rules, public and disciplinary measures may be applied to residents on the recommendation of the management. The issue of disciplinary action in the form of eviction from the dormitory is recommended by the Student Council of the dormitory for further consideration.

7.2 For violation of their duties by residents, the following disciplinary penalties are applied to them:

a) Remark;

b) strict remark;

c) eviction from the hostel;

d) expulsion from the university.

7.3 Residents may be evicted from the hostel in the following cases:

a) the use of residential premises for other purposes;

b) destruction or damage to residential premises by residents or other citizens for whose actions they are responsible;

c) refusal of residents to register at the place of stay;

d) systematic violation by residents of the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors, which makes it impossible to live together in the same apartment;

e) non-payment by residents for the rental of residential premises for six months;

f) the absence of residents in the hostel without a written

warnings for more than two months;

g) appearing in the dormitory in a state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication;

h) storage, distribution and use of narcotic drugs and storage of explosives, chemically dangerous substances or firearms by residents of the hostel;

k) deductions from the University;

k) systematic violation of the order (more than three times during the academic year) upon presentation of a memo/report by the commandant;

m) systematic lateness after 22:00 hours (more than 3 times during the academic period);

h) handing over your pass to unauthorized persons and repeated loss of the pass (up to three times);

o) fights;

p) in other cases provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

7.4 The application of disciplinary penalties is formalized by order of the rector.

7.5 Eviction of residents from the hostel is carried out:

— by decision of the Settlement Commission;

– in case students are expelled from the university before the end of their studies;

— according to the personal statement of the residents;

— at the end of the student’s term of study.


8.1 In order to represent the interests of students from among the students living in the hostel, they create a public organization of students — the Student Council of the hostel, which carries out its activities in accordance with this Regulation.

The student Council of the hostel represents the interests of students, coordinates the activities of the heads of floors, sections, organizes work to attract residents to perform socially useful work in the hostel (cleaning and repair of living rooms, minor furniture repairs, etc.) and in the surrounding area, organizes cultural and mass work with them.

8.2 On each floor, the head of the floor, the deputy head of the floor and the head of the section are elected. The head of the dwelling (floor, section) monitors the careful attitude of residents to the property located in the room (section), the maintenance of the room (section) in cleanliness and order, timely garbage removal.

8.3 The Student Council has the right to make a decision on recovery, in case of violation of the internal regulations of the dormitory, to make recommendations to the IAD, for further consideration by the Commission on the eviction of students, to involve students of the general order to various punishments, without violating their rights.

8.4 The Student Council has the right to make recommendations on the relocation of students from one room to another.

8.5 Members of the Student Council may be given preference when checking into the dormitory for the next year.

The list of documents for checking into the hostel

  • Student’s statement;
  • A copy of the identity card 1 piece;
  • Dermatologist’s certificate;
  • Fluorography snapshot;

Rules and responsibilities of students living in the dormitory

Approved document

1. Strictly follow the rules of the internal order (daily routine);

2. Take care of the preservation of the premises, equipment and inventory of the hostel;

3. Keep the rooms clean (carry out daily wet cleaning);

4. Keep public areas clean;

5. Use electricity and water sparingly in the dormitory;

6. Make timely payments in the prescribed amounts for accommodation in the hostel;

7. Observe fire safety rules when using electrical appliances, do not install additional electric heaters without the permission of the administration;

8. Make cosmetic repairs in the living rooms before leaving for the summer holidays and hand over the keys;

9. Upon departure from the hostel, hand over bedding, inventory and equipment of the hostel;

10. Residents of the hostel are involved in social events and cleaning of kitchens, washbasins, corridors as part of labor education;

11. For violating the rules of the dormitory, students may be punished according to the rules of residence in the dormitory;

12. Silence must be observed in the dormitory from 23 o’clock, only the corridors and common areas remain illuminated.

13. The student is obliged to notify the hostel commandant with a detailed location, in case of absence from the hostel at night.(statement)

14. Students are forbidden, for personal safety reasons, to open windows, transoms (except for the window pane), hang bags of food out the window, lean out through the window pane.


It is strictly forbidden for residents of the hostel:

1. Voluntarily move from room to room;

2. Arbitrarily move inventory from room to room;

3. To make alterations and corrections of electrical wiring;

4. Use electric kettles and electric stoves in the room

5. Leave strangers in the room at night;

6. Smoking in the dormitory and on the territory of the dormitory;

7. Drink alcoholic beverages;

8. Open the window frames.

Dormitory №1

Kostanay city, Kurgan street, 5

8 (7142) 55-17-60

Type of hostel – sectional

Year of entry – 1974

Year of renovation — 2007

Total area – 2967,8 sq.m.

Number of beds – 154

On the 1st floor, there is laundry and ironing. There are 4 kitchens on each floor, except for the first floor, which has 1 kitchen. There are also showers on each floor.

View the location on the map

Dormitory №2

Kostanay city, avenue. Kobylandy batyr, 54

8 (7142) 22-30-92

Type of hostel – sectional

Year of entry  1979

Year of renovation  2009

Total area  5724,7

Number of beds  150

First floor is administrative. It has laundry and ironing facilities.

2-5 floors are residential, each room consists of two sections: 2-bed and 3-bed. Each floor has a kitchen with two electric stoves and a refrigerator. There are also showers on each floor.

On the right side of the building there are 32 departmental apartments for teachers and their families.

There is a hotel for visiting teachers.

View the location on the map