Types of benefits
- • university;
• social.
University benefits are assigned to:
– excellent students – activists;
– university athletes (the list is provided by a specialist in sports work with students);
Scholarships, benefits and discounts in tuition fees are established for full-time and full-time accelerated students once a year and are valid for the current academic year.
Applications for the provision of benefits and discounts are considered at a meeting of the commission, approved by the decision of the founder, and an order of the rector is issued.
Social benefits are assigned to the following categories of students enrolled in full-time and full-time shortened forms of study: senior students who have successfully passed the exams;• Orphans and children left without parental care;
• Students with disabilities (I, II and III groups);
• Students with only one parent;
• Students who have one of their parents disabled (I, II groups);
• Students from a large family (4 or more children);
• Employees and children of employees of KSTC and KSTU named after academician Z. Aldamzhar, studying under the bachelor’s and master’s programs.
Types of University Scholarships
Общие критерии для получения льгот и стипендии для студентов, являющихся:
*отличникам учебы;
*студентам, принимающим активное участие в общественной жизни университета, города, области;
*студентам, имеющим авторитет среди студентов университета, других ВУЗов города, возможно, занимающий руководящую должность в студенческом совете университета;
*студентам, участвующим в студенческих научно-практических конференциях, проводимых на университетском, городском, областном, республиканском масштабе;
*спортсменам, участвующим и защищающим честь университета в городских, областных, республиканских и мировых чемпионатах;
*пропагандирующий среди студенческой молодежи здоровый образ жизни и принимающий активное участие в организации спортивных мероприятий в Костанайском социально- техническом университете.
Extracts from orders for social support of students
art-48 dated 06.10.21 – about the discount for the 2021-2022 academic year
art-06 dated 05.09.22 – about the discount for the 2022-2023 academic year
art-187 dated 20.01.2023 — About the appointment of a scholarship
art-07 date 05.09.2023 – About the appointment of a scholarship
Criteria for obtaining nominal scholarships of the University
Scholarship of the founder of the Kostanay Social-Technical University, Doctor of History, professor, academician Z.A. Aldamzhar is assigned to full-time students:
• who have achieved outstanding achievements in studies and scientific research, which is confirmed by diplomas (or other documents), winners of republican and international olympiads, creative competitions, festivals, the author of discoveries, inventions, scientific articles in publications in Kazakhstan and abroad.
Scholarship named after Sh. Shayakhmetov (outstanding public figure) is awarded to full-time students:
• studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• athletes participating and defending the honor of the university in the city, regional, republican and world championships;
• taking an active part in organizing sports events at the Kostanay Social-Technical University;
• promoting a healthy lifestyle among students.
Scholarship named after Badrisafa (wife of the outstanding public figure A. Baitursynov) is awarded to full-time students:
• students studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• activists participating in the public life of the university, city, and region.
Scholarship named after S. Baimagambetov (Hero of the Soviet Union) is awarded to full-time students:
• students studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• athletes participating and defending the honor of the university in the city, regional, republican and world championships.
Scholarship named after M. Utemisov (an outstanding Kazakh batyr, akyn, and public figure) is assigned to full-time students:
• students studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• athletes participating and defending the honor of the university in the city, regional, republican and world championships;
• students showing abilities in the knowledge of Kazakh literature and language, having poetic skills, as well as knowledge of the history of the Kazakh people.
Scholarship named after N. Naushabaev (poet, outstanding public figure) is assigned to full-time students:
• students studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• students showing abilities in the knowledge of Kazakh literature and language;
• winners of republican and international competitions, creative competitions, festivals.
Стипендия имени Ректора Костанайского социально-технического университета назначается студентам очного отделения:
• students studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• winners of republican and international olympiads, creative competitions, festivals;
• promoting a healthy lifestyle among students, setting a worthy example for their peers.
Scholarship named after Isatay Taimanov is awarded to full-time students:
• students studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• taking an active part in organizing sports events at the Kostanay Social and Technical University;
• taking an active part in the public life of the university, city; showing knowledge of the history of Kazakhstan.
Scholarship in honor of the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
• students; students studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• activists participating in the public life of the university, city, region;
• promoting a healthy lifestyle among students, setting a worthy example for their peers.
Volunteering Scholarship:
• students studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• activists participating in the public life of the university, city, region;
• promoting a healthy lifestyle among students, setting a worthy example to their peers;
• engaged in volunteer activities at the university, city, and region.
Scholarship named after the President of the Kostanay Social-Technical University B.Z. Aldamzhar
• students studying for “good” and “excellent”;
• activists participating in the public life of the university, city, region;
• promoting a healthy lifestyle among students, setting a worthy example for their peers.
Tuition benefits and scholarships
To guarantee social conditions in order to actively involve students in the processes of the University, student representatives are provided with benefits in tuition fees and scholarships.
1.1. Scholarships and benefits are established on the basis of the presentation of the Head of the educational program annually until October 1. The Head of the educational program, in accordance with the criteria described in the regulation, based on which the selection of candidates for training on preferential terms will be carried out, brings to the attention of students.
1.2. To receive benefits before September 25 of the current year, the student submits to the Head of the educational program an application addressed to the Rector of the university, supporting documents for this category, as well as documents confirming his/her social activity.
1.3. After receiving the documents of the applicants, the Head of the educational program holds a meeting where the submitted documents are considered and approves the list for the provision of benefits, discounts and scholarships for excellent students, activists and other categories of students.
1.4. The package of documents, according to the list, is filed into a separate folder – a folder with a title page, indicating the following data: the name of the educational program, course, specialty, surname, first name, academic year, a note about the category of benefits.
1.5. Scholarships, benefits in tuition fees are established for one academic year, annually, if the applicant confirms his qualities, he re-applies and submits a package of documents for consideration.
1.6. The payment of scholarships and the provision of benefits is suspended if there is a debt on the results of the examination session.
The procedure for granting and settling in a dormitory
The provision of a place in the dormitory is made on the basis of the decision of the Commission for the settlement of students. The settlement commission is formed among the university staff and approved by the Rector.
To obtain a place in a dormitory, students submit an application addressed to the Rector and provide the following documents:
- Copy of ID,
- Certificate of fluorography of the current year,
- Certificate from the dermatovenerological dispensary.
Categories of students who have the right to settle in a dormitory out of the lineup:
- Children from orphanages and orphans who have provided relevant supporting documents (accommodation is free regardless of the course);
- Students with disabilities who have provided relevant supporting documents (accommodation is paid regardless of the course);
- Students who arrived from other regions, as well as foreign students who provided photocopies of their passports, visas, and registration (accommodation is paid, regardless of the course).
Places in the dormitory allocated to non-resident family students are determined by the Commission based on the available housing stock.
The procedure for accepting applications from family students who need a dormitory is established by the Commission. Settlement is carried out on a general basis.
When settling into a dormitory, students must be familiarized with these Regulations and undergo an appropriate safety briefing when operating electrical household appliances, and household radio equipment, and familiarize themselves with the established procedure for using personal electrical household appliances and the procedure for vacating places in the dormitory. The briefing is conducted by a safety engineer.
The amount of payment for living in a dormitory is established by the financial and economic department and approved by the Rector. Collection of payment for accommodation in a dormitory is made through a bank to the current account of the university, as well as through the cash desk of the university.
The fee for accommodation in the dormitory is charged from students monthly; when students leave during the vacation period, no fee is charged for any additional services.
The fee for the use of the dormitory by families from among the students (primarily family students) is charged according to the norms established for students, for the number of places in the room occupied by the family, which is determined by the dormitory passport. The dormitory passport includes all information about the dormitory, number of places, area, etc. approved by the rector of the university and the commandant of the dormitory.
In the event of an eviction, the resident is obliged to vacate the occupied living quarters in the dormitory within the period established by the Commission, handing over the living quarters to the commandant in a clean state and all the equipment received in good condition.
Rules for the distribution of places in dormitories of the University
Student dormitories are intended for temporary residence and accommodation for the period of study of nonresident full-time students.
Subject to the full provision of places in the dormitory for students from other cities, the University has the right to decide to accommodate in the dormitory:
- trainees under additional professional education programs for temporary residence during their full-time studies;
- other categories of students and employees invited to work at the University from other regions.
An application for settling in a dormitory is submitted by a student in electronic form on the university website
The procedure for the formation of the commission
- Places in the dormitory are distributed on a competitive basis by a specially created commission.
- The quantitative and personal composition of the competition commission for the distribution of places in dormitories (hereinafter referred to as the competition commission), as well as the terms of its powers, are determined by the first head of the organization.
- The composition of the competition commission includes:
1) a representative of the management team of the University – Vice-Rector of the University, who oversees the issues of accommodation of students in the dormitory;
2) representatives of student self-government bodies;
3) representatives of educational programs in charge of the accommodation of students in the dormitory;
4) representatives of the structural unit of the organization in charge of youth policy issues.
- The vice-rector of the University is appointed as the chairman of the competition commission, who supervises the issues of accommodation of students in the dormitory.
- The main tasks of the work of the competition commission are:
1) determining the schedule of meetings of the competition commission;
2) an objective and public consideration of applications, as well as the adoption of decisions based on their results that do not infringe on the rights and interests of students;
3) making decisions based on the results of the meetings of the competition commission.
The order of distribution of places in dormitories
The competitive commission distributes places in the dormitory based on a written application of the student in the prescribed form or on the basis of an application submitted electronically on the university website, with the attachment of relevant documents confirming his/her status.
The competition commission distributes places in the dormitory, taking into account the grounds and priority in the following priority order:
1) persons with developmental disabilities, disabled and disabled since childhood, disabled children, orphans and children left without parental care, persons whose one or both parents are disabled;
2) persons from among the youth left without parental care until the age of majority, persons equated in terms of benefits and guarantees to the participants and invalids of the Great Patriotic War, persons from among the rural youth enrolled in educational programs that determine the socio-economic development of the village, and also oralmans who are not citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) students, within the framework of the project “Mangilik el zhastary-industriyaga!” (“Serpin – 2050”);
4) students enrolled in the first year, who have the “Altyn Belgi” sign, students who have a certificate of the winner or prize-winner of the Presidential, international and Republican Olympiad and (or) competition, as well as applicants who graduated from the organization with honors with a supporting document of education (certificate, diploma);
5) students accepted for first-year studies in accordance with the state educational order, who have a high score on the results of the Unified National Testing or Comprehensive Testing, entrance exams in subjects or in the form of testing conducted by the organization.
6) students from among senior students who have high results in educational, scientific and social work;
7) other learning organizations.
Foreign students are provided with places in the dormitory following international and intergovernmental agreements.
Based on the results of the consideration of applications, the competitive commission decides on the provision of places in the dormitory.
The competitive commission carries out the distribution of places in the dormitories in stages:
1) at the end of the academic year (June) for students in the next academic year in all courses except the first;
2) at the beginning of the academic year (August) for students enrolled for first-year studies and in the order of transfer from other educational institutions;
3) during the academic year, as necessary – in accordance with changes in the contingent of students living in dormitories, as well as for a reasonable settlement of transferred or reinstated students.
On the basis of the generated list for living in a dormitory signed by the Chairman of the Commission, the student is issued a referral to provide a place in the dormitory.
Foreign citizens studying at the University are accommodated in a dormitory on a common basis with students from among the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In the dormitory, in accordance with sanitary norms and rules, recreation rooms, computer, reading rooms, premises for consumer services and catering (dining room, showers, washrooms, ironing rooms, etc.)
Premises for sanitary purposes are allocated and equipped following sanitary norms and rules for the arrangement, equipment and maintenance of the dormitory.
The general management of work in the student dormitory to strengthen and develop the material base, create conditions for the safety of residents, and organize consumer services for residents of the dormitory is assigned to the leadership of the KSTU.
Amount of benefits
I. 1. students from among orphaned children and children left without parental care, on the recommendation of district and city education management bodies and akimats – 50% of the annual tuition fee. The discount is granted to a student if at the time of submitting the application, his age is not older than 23 years;
- 1. students with disabilities (groups I, II, III)
2. students from single-parent families (without one parent) with a certificate of the parent’s income;
3. students from a large family (4 or more children)
4. Students who have 2 or more students in their family studying at KSTK and KSTU named after academician Z. Aldamzhar – from 10% to 20%;
III. 1. employees and children of employees of KSTK and KSTU named after academician Z.Aldamzhar, studying under the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs – from 10% to 25%.
- 1.
– students whose one of the parents is disabled (groups I, II);
– students – masters of sports;
– students – candidates for master of sports;
– activists taking part in the public life of the educational program, university, city, region: from 10% to 30%
Scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Rules for awarding scholarships established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Order of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 2, 2023 No. 251. Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan on June 5, 2023 No. 32701
1. The scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is awarded to full-time students of higher educational institutions starting from the 3rd year of study-after the first year of study, who successfully master the relevant educational programs, are engaged in research work, whose success in study and research is confirmed by diplomas (or other documents), winners of national and international Olympiads, creative competitions, sports competitions, festivals, or authors of discoveries, inventions, or scientific articles in the central publications of the Republic of Kazakhstan and abroad, as well as those who take an active part in the social, cultural and sports life of educational organizations.
2. The scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is assigned for the next academic year.
3. Scholarships established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan are appointed by the Rector’s order based on the decision of the Academic Council.
4. When awarding scholarships established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, under equal conditions, the following persons have advantages:
• orphans and children left without parental care;
• disabled people from childhood, disabled children.
5. A scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan may be awarded repeatedly to the same person in accordance with decisions of academic councils of higher educational institutions or scientific organizations.
6. Payment of scholarships established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan is made monthly within the limits of funds provided for in the republican budget for the corresponding financial year.
7. If the Academic Council of a higher educational institution or scientific organization accepts a negative recommendation on the scholarship holder, the Rector of the higher educational institution or the Director of the scientific organization issues an order to terminate the payment of the scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.