Model anti-corruption plan of KSTU named after academician Z. Aldamzhar for 2023-2024 academic year in the framework of the project "Sanalyurpaq"
Conducting an online lecture "Hour of Integrity"
Report on the results of the survey "Teacher through the eyes of a student"
Report on the results of the survey “Teacher through the eyes of a student” for 2018-2019
Report on the results of the survey “Teacher through the eyes of a student” for 2019-2020
Report on the results of the survey “Teacher through the eyes of a student” for 2020-2021
Report on the results of the survey “Teacher through the eyes of a student” for 2021-2022
Report on the results of the survey “Teacher through the eyes of a student” for 2022-2023
Report on the results of the survey “Satisfaction of teaching staff with the university”
Report on the results of the survey "Clean session"
Report on the results of the survey “Clean session” for 2018-2019
Report on the results of the survey “Clean session” for 2019-2020
Report on the results of the survey “Clean session” for 2020-2021
Report on the results of the survey “Clean session” for 2021-2022
Report on the results of the survey “Clean session” for 2022-2023