Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64


According to the Cooperation Agreement with the University of Presov (Slovakia) dated 20.06.2018, as well as the Memorandum on the exchange of students within the framework of academic mobility dated 29.11.2018, four KSTU students are studying in the specialties “Management” and “English” from 11.02.2019 to 26.06.2019 at the Presov University of Presov (Slovakia).

Shamsutdinova Diana – student of the specialty “State and local administration“, 2nd year

Yamaeva Zarina – student of the specialty “State and local administration“, 2nd year


Marketing 7MMO/MARK-ER/17 4 summer
Human Resource Management 7KMN/HRMG-ER/17 4 summer
Project Management 7MMO/PRMG-ER/17 5 summer
English for Managers 7KIK/ENGM-ER/17 3 summer
Total: 16


Tatiana Korzhikova is a student of the specialty “Translation Business”, 4th year

Ainur Sholpanbayeva is a student of the specialty “Translation Business”, 4th year


Culture of English speaking countries 1/AA/KKUAK1/15 4 summer
Academic writing 1/AA/KAKPP/15 4 summer
Language skills 2 1/AA/KIKOM2/15 5 summer
Speaking skills 1/AA/BUA/KON/15 2 summer
Total: 15


From April 15 to April 19, 2019.  in the reading room of the KSTU named after Z. Aldamzhar lectures were given  Matush Porubyak (Ass. Prof. Matúš Porubjak) – Associate PhD Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia):

Lecture 1. Thales and Anaximander – the founders of Natural science (15.04.2019)

Lecture 2. Empedocles – The Union of Moral and Natural Philosophy (16.04.2019 at 10.00-10.50)

Lecture 3. Socrates – “the problem of Socrates” (17.04.2019)

Lecture 4. Socrates – the philosopher of practice (18.04.2019).

Matush Porubyak took part in the plenary session of the interuniversity scientific and practical conference “Students – the vanguard of the intellectual future” with the report: Socrates -Theheroofpracticalphilosophy. Socrates Is The Hero Of Practical Philosophy.

From September 23 to 27, 2019, lectures were given by R.I. Zekrist, Professor of the Department of Humanities of the Z. KSTU. Aldamzhar, Doctor of Philosophy to students and teachers of the University of Saints Cyril and Methodius in Trnava (Slovakia) on the topic: Integration of Al-Quran and Sunnah with philosophical and scientific concepts in the light of Sufism.


In January 2018, senior researcher, doctor  of philosophy Zekrist R.I. became the winner of the grant “The best university teacher”. Within the framework of the cooperation agreement, Zekrist R.I. has completed scientific internships in the following countries (Table 2).


Table 2 Стажировки с.н.с., д.ф.н. Зекрист Р.И.

№ п/п Наименование мероприятия City, country Deadlines Supporting documents

Scientific internship at the Presov University in Presov

Director: Dr. Lubomir Belas, Professor of the Department of Philosophy, Faculty of Philosophy, Institute of Philosophy

Presov, Slovakia 07.06.2018 – 12.07. 2018 Certificate, program, internship agreement

 Scientific internshipA effectuе un stage prеvu dans le cadre du forum socioculturel «Dialogue des cultures»

Director: VIKTORIIA LEUSIERE, Prеsidente du Centre de la Culture et de la Connaissance, Docteur en philosophie, Professeur

BRIGNOLES, France 26.06.2018 – 07.07. 2018 Certificate, program, internship agreement

Scientific internship “Socio-political studies of the world: Religions during conflicts and intercultural dialogue”

Director: Tiberio Graziani,

Chairman of the International Institute of Global Analytical Studies

Rome, Italy 07.09.2018 30.09. 2018 Certificate, program, internship agreement

Lecturing as a visiting professor on the topic: Integration of al-Quran and Sunnah with philosophical, scientific and artistic concepts in the light of Sufism

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Department of Philosophy and Applied Philosophy Faculty of Arts, Slovakia

Trnava, Slovakia

24.09.2018 –

30.09. 2018


В ноябре 2023 г. старший преподаватель кафедры Бизнес и управление, Есімхан Г.Е., в рамках академической мобильности ППС читала лекции в Кыргызском национальном университете имени Жусупа Баласагына (Киргизия). Тема: Экономический механизм финансовой поддержки сельского хозяйства с целью обеспечения его устойчивого развития.


В июне 2024 года проректор по науке и международным связям, д.т.н., профессор Баймухамедов М.Ф. и доцент кафедры Бизнес и управление, к.э.н., Баймухамедова Г.С. в рамках академической мобильности ППС читали лекции в Гази университете (Турция).

В июне 2024 года проректор по науке и международным связям, д.т.н., профессор Баймухамедов Малик Файзулович и профессор кафедры Бизнес и управление, к.э.н. Баймухамедова Гульзада Сейдувалиевна участвовали в работе семинара в Yildirim Beyazit университете в Анкаре. Декан университета вручил Баймухамедову М.Ф.  благодарственное письмо за лекцию «Цифровизация и роботизация малого и среднего бизнеса».