Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64

Problems of ludomania of financial pyramids

Nov 8, 2023

On November 7, 2023, in the reading room of the KSTU named after academician Z. Aldamzhar, an informational and explanatory meeting was held between employees of the Department of Economic Investigations and the Agency for Regulation and Development of the Financial Market with the teaching staff of higher educational institutions and students on the topic of preventing gambling addiction and the activities of financial pyramids.
In order to take an integrated approach to solving the problems of financial pyramid gambling in the university environment, it is necessary to develop a joint schedule of information and explanatory meetings to reach the widest audience at risk.