Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64

Standardization and certification

Code – 6В07510

Qualification: Bachelor of Engineering and Technology in the educational program 6B07510 – Standardization and Certification (by industry)

List of qualifications and positions

  • Technician of the 1st category
  • Junior Researcher
  • Laboratory engineer
  • Engineer of research organizations
  • Engineer of design and design organizations in the direction of standardization, certification and metrology of industrial enterprises.

Qualification characteristics of the graduate of the educational program

1 Area of professional activity

Provision of professional services for the development, examination, implementation, application of standards at production and processing enterprises, research centres, laboratories, and conformity assessment bodies in compliance with the norms and requirements of the Laws “On Technical Regulation”, “On Standardization” and “On Ensuring Unity measurement.”

2 Objects of professional activity

Testing calibration laboratories, conformity assessment bodies, testing centres, technical committees, government agencies, research centres, and expert organizations.

3 Subjects of professional activity

— products (services) and technological processes;

— equipment of enterprises and organizations, metrological and testing laboratories;

— methods and means of measurement, testing and control;

— technical regulation, systems of standardization, certification and quality management, metrological support for scientific, industrial, social and environmental activities;

— standardization documents;

4 Types of professional activity

– production and technological;

– norm-creative;

– settlement and design;

– research and development;

– service – operational;

– organizational and managerial;

– laboratory research.

5 Functions of professional activity

–  development, revision and amendment of standards, normative and normative-technical documentation;

 – metrological examination of the design, technological and operational documentation, development of methods for measuring individual indicators of geometric accuracy, development of measurement systems for specific industries, development of methods for verification (calibration) of measuring instruments;

 – conducting experiments, measurements, observations, implementation of research results and scientific developments;

 – maintenance, organization of preventive inspections and current repairs of measuring instruments, testing and control;

 – analysis of the state of production and assessment of the stability of the quality of products, services and systems for further certification, assessment of the implementation of corrective and preventive measures;

 – application of standardization documents as an evidence base for meeting the requirements of technical regulations

 – state supervision and inspection control of compliance with the requirements of standards and other regulatory documents;

  1. Standard tasks of professional activity

– participation in the formation of lists of documents in the field of standardization for the application and execution of technical regulations and the implementation of conformity assessment

– participation in the development of draft regulations in the field of standardization

– development of standardization documents or amendments to them

– examination of standardization documents

– carrying out normative control of technical data

– organizing the development of measures for product quality management systems;

– development and implementation of a quality management system for internal and external audits, system analysis of production;

– control of testing of finished products and material resources entering the enterprise, the introduction of modern methods and measuring instruments, control of manufacturing and testing of standardized and unified products.

Production and technological activities:

– ensuring the fulfilment of tasks for product quality management

– development (improvement) and implementation of a quality management system, local verification schemes by types of measurements, and enterprise standards;

– assessment of the level of marriage and analysis of the causes of its occurrence,

– determination of the range of measured and controlled parameters of products and technological processes, optimal standards for measurement accuracy and control reliability, and selection of measuring instruments.

7 Areas of professional activity

–  standardization by industries and areas of application;

–  metrology and metrological support by branches and areas of application;

–  certification by industry and application.

8 Content of professional activity

–  standardization:

–  organization, development, revision and amendment of standards and normative documents;

–  examination of projects, programs, standards, specifications, standardization documents and assessment of their compliance with current legislation, technical regulations, related standards and documents;

– analysis of the application on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan of international and foreign technical regulations, standards, specifications and other regulatory documents on standardization, metrology and certification;

– analysis of the current base of regulatory documents, assessment of activities and the level of standardization achieved by industries and areas of application, a proposal for their improvement; metrology and metrological support;

– determination of the range of measured and controlled parameters of products and technological processes, optimal standards for measurement accuracy and control reliability, selection of measuring instruments, testing and control;

– development of methods for performing measurements and programs for testing and monitoring measuring instruments, development of measurement systems for specific industries;

– testing and approval of the type of measuring instruments, their verification and calibration, certification of measuring instruments, metrological control and supervision of measuring instruments;

– metrological examination and metrological study of design, technological and operational documentation;

– preparation of plans for the introduction of new measuring equipment, the introduction of advanced methods of measurement, testing and control; certification:

– analysis of documents submitted for certification of products (services), processes (works) and systems, assessment of their compliance with the requirements of standards and other regulatory documents;

– analysis of the state of production and assessment of the stability of the quality of products (services);

– development of methods and programs for checking the state of production of products (services) and the functioning of quality management systems at enterprises;

– organizing and conducting inspection control of certified products (services), processes and systems;