Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64

State and local administration

Code -6В04122

Qualification: Bachelor of Business and Management in the educational program 6В04122 State and local administration

List of qualifications and positions

  • Management positions;
  • Economists of central and local governments;
  • Managers of state enterprises, joint-stock companies;
  • Manufacturing companies, holdings, service companies, etc.;
  • Economists-managers of administrative structures of the financial and credit sector;
  • Specialists in the economics of social sectors.

Sphere of professional activity

The spheres of professional activity are state bodies, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership and national companies.

Objects of professional activity

Apparatus and Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan; apparatus of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan; various structural subdivisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan; economic and financial management bodies (ministries, departments and agencies); local governments (akimats of districts, cities, regions) and offices of executive bodies; national public and private companies, concerns, corporations and others.

Subjects of professional activity

Management, economics, management, analysis, indicative and strategic planning, forecasting, making financial and economic decisions at the levels of the national, regional economy and enterprises, etc.

Types of professional activity

  • organizational and managerial activity. A bachelor in this specialty has all the skills to work in the development and application of management technology in state and local governments, at a specific enterprise, including participating in the creation of a scientific, methodological and organizational and technological management base, together with other areas of training develops and applies the most effective methods, rules and procedures for strategic and tactical planning and management;
  • production and management activities. Production and management activities are the prerogative of bachelors in this specialty, since the educational process requires them to thoroughly study all issues related to the process of state and local government, incl. and production management. The direct job responsibilities of graduates in this specialty is to create an effective management system for the national economy, its industries and regions. Application in practice of all known principles of management, use of the developed scientific-methodological and organizational-technological base of management, formation of the economic strategy of the state, sectors of the economy and regions, strategic planning and planning of current activities, analysis of the effectiveness of their implementation, etc.
  • project activities of bachelors in this specialty are carried out in two main areas: organizational design includes the development of organizational management structures, their implementation, adaptation, as well as analysis of the effectiveness and improvement of these structures. The analysis of economic projects involves the development and analysis of the effectiveness of specialized documents (feasibility study, business plan, etc.) relating to the organization of a new enterprise or economic project and necessary for obtaining loans, loans and other types of financial support;
  • educational or pedagogical activity of bachelors of this specialty consists in professional activity in secondary professional educational institutions.

Functions of professional activity

  • Organizational and managerial activities:

implementation of management activities in various areas of economic and social development of administrative-territorial units (districts, districts, cities, regions) and the Republic of Kazakhstan;

application of the most effective methods, rules and procedures for strategic and tactical planning, management;

adoption of science-based economic decisions that take into account local factors and the conditions for their implementation, while respecting the priority of national interests.

  • Production and management activities:

conducting a comparative analysis of indicators characterizing the process of socio-economic development of territories, administrative districts and regions in order to formulate conclusions and proposals for improving the administrative and economic mechanisms of a positive impact on this process;

application of modern principles of management, use of the developed scientific-methodological and organizational-technological base of management;

formation of the economic strategy of the state, sectors of the economy and regions, strategic planning and planning of current activities, analysis of the effectiveness of their implementation

  • Project activities:

carrying out planning and forecasting calculations for the scientific substantiation of the prospects for economic and social development of the relevant administrative-territorial units in the conditions of a multistructural economy and increasing its competitiveness;

preparation of analytical, reference, normative-instructive and other materials in order to stimulate the activity of local representative bodies in the manifestation of legislative initiatives on the development of the economy and the standard of living of the local population;

development and analysis of the effectiveness of economic projects (feasibility study, business plan, etc.) related to the organization of a new enterprise or economic project.

  • Educational or teaching activities:

teach courses on the theory of public administration, organization of the public service, economic policy, state regulation of the economy in schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, as well as participate in seminars and training courses for specialists of a different profile.

Standard tasks of professional activity

conducting economic analysis;

  • identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the management object in the sectoral and regional aspects;
  • determination of external threats and opportunities for implementing the strategy for the development of the control object;
  • preparation of draft decisions to achieve the strategic goals of the control object.

Areas of professional activity

  • analytical activities aimed at planning, organizing, developing, adjusting, monitoring the implementation of strategic national, regional programs for the socio-economic development of a region, industry, city, district, rural area;
  • participation in the development and formation of priority areas of socio-economic development programs within the boundaries of the managed area;
  • monitoring, analysis, calculation of medium- and long-term programs of socio-economic development of the region, industry, city, district, rural area;
  • argumentation of arguments for making a managerial decision in the preparation of strategic documents to improve the activities of state government bodies;
  • preparation of analytical material on the progress of the implementation of strategic state programs, decisions of central and local government bodies in order to take corrective measures and achieve indicative indicators.
  • professional activity in organizations and educational institutions


The content of professional activity

  • analyze the system of staffing of the state apparatus and local self-government bodies, the current legislation regulating the civil service;
  • organize, conduct management activities in public institutions;
  • formulate and analyze problems, set and solve managerial tasks;
  • identify the strengths and weaknesses of the management object in the sectoral and regional aspects;
  • identify external threats and opportunities to implement the development strategy of the control object;
  • solve social issues based on deep knowledge of the rules of social life, demographic and economic situation in the respective regions;
  • prepare draft decisions to achieve the strategic goals of the management object;

• use in professional activities various types of information and communication technologies.