Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64

A fluorographic examination of 2-4 year students

Oct 16, 2023

On October 16, 2023, at the Kostanay Social-Technical University named after academician Z. Aldamzhar, a fluorographic examination of 2-4 year students took place. The main goal and task is the prevention of tuberculosis, early detection of the disease. During the examination, the x-ray laboratory assistant of Polyclinic No. 5 LLP conducted a fluoro diagnostic of the chest for the students.