Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
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Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64

Discussion of the creation of a new specialized Master’s degree program

Feb 12, 2024

On February 12, 2024, a meeting was organized at the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Kostanay region. The purpose of the event is to discuss the creation of a new educational program for a specialized master’s degree at the Department of Law of the Kostanay Social-Technical University named after academician Zulkharnay Aldamzhar.

Present at the meeting were:

  • Head of the Department of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Civil Service Affairs in the Kostanay region, Chairman of the Ethics Council, Salykbaev Erlan Amandykovich;
  • Ospanova Aliya Serikbaevna, Head of the Civil Service Department;
  • Ospanova Bakhytkul Baltabaevna, Chief Specialist of the Civil Service Department;
  • Head of educational programs of the Department of Law, KSTU named after academician Z. Aldamzhar, senior lecturer, Master of Law, Kaspaeva Raushan Sakenovna;
  • Associate Professor of the Department of Law at the KSTU named after academician Z. Aldamzhar, Master of Law Dauketova Zhanat Bakytzhanovna;
  • 3rd year student of the educational program 6B04217 “Jurisprudence” Shakaeva Anara Galymzhanovna;
  • 3rd year student of the educational program 6B04217 “Jurisprudence” Zhailyubaeva Gulnaz Ergenovna;
  • 3rd year student of the educational program 6B04217 “Jurisprudence” Maratova Sabina Zhomartovna.

At the meeting, the development of a new educational master’s program “Law and Public Administration” was discussed.

Particular attention was paid to identifying the necessary competencies for successful work in the public service. It was noted that a modern civil servant needs to possess a set of knowledge, skills and abilities in such areas as project management, de-bureaucratization, public procurement and digitalization.

As a result of the discussion, recommendations were given to employers, which will be taken into account when developing a new educational program. We hope for further productive cooperation aimed at training highly qualified personnel.