Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64


Zhalybin Sergey  Mikhailovich

Zhalybin Sergey Mikhailovich

Director of the Scientific Research Center of Economics and Law at the Kostanay Social-Technical University named after academician Z. Aldamzhar

Aldamzhar Bibigul  Zulkarnaykyzy

Aldamzhar Bibigul Zulkarnaykyzy


Abdullin Ruslan Batyrzhanovich

Abdullin Ruslan Batyrzhanovich



Bekov Dastan Saltanovich

Bekov Dastan Saltanovich

First Vice – rector

Уразамбетова Галия Ульмесхановна

Уразамбетова Галия Ульмесхановна

Vice-Rector for science

Baykadamov Nurken Turarovich

Baykadamov Nurken Turarovich

Vice-Rector for educational work and public relations

Abilova Marzhankul Serikovna

Abilova Marzhankul Serikovna

Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs

Gulzada Zulkharnayevna Aldamzharova

Gulzada Zulkharnayevna Aldamzharova

Advisor to the rector on financial Issues

Academic council

Mustafina Alma Sabitovna

Mustafina Alma Sabitovna

Secretary of the academic council

Scientist Kostanay social and technical university named after academician Z. Aldamzhar is an advisory body. The activity of the academic council of the university is based on the principles of transparency and collective discussion of issues within its competence.

Functions of the academic council

– approves the structure of the university;

– makes amendments and additions to the charter of the university;

– defines the strategy and concept of the university development;

– makes proposals on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of structural divisions of the university (laboratories, departments, institutes, faculties, etc.)—

– makes decisions on all fundamental issues of the organization of educational, research, international, financial, administrative and economic activities of the university;

– hears annual reports of the rector, vice-rectors of the university, deans of faculties and heads of structural divisions of the university on the forms and methods of conducting educational, research, educational, international, informational, financial, economic and administrative activities;

– organizes the control of the financial and economic activities of the university;

– determines the procedure for the use of extra-budgetary funds, as well as the directions of reinvestment of income received through the provision of paid educational services and the sale of manufactured products;

– defines new directions of training specialists in a multi-level system of higher professional education, terms and forms of training;

– approves curricula of all levels and forms of education;

– reviews and recommends textbooks, manuals and educational and methodological developments for publication;

– makes decisions on the transfer of students from a paid department to an educational grant and to study in the form of an externship;

– decides on the appointment of a scholarship established by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and personal scholarships;

– presents for the assignment of academic titles of associate professor and professor;

– considers questions about the presentation of university staff and creative teams to state, government awards and honorary titles;

– considers other issues of the university’s activities that require a collegial decision.

To prepare the issues included in the agenda of the meeting of the academic council, it is necessary not later than 30 days in advance; to submit to the secretary of the academic council of the university:

1) report-presentation (in printed form and on electronic media);

2) draft resolution.

In case of non-compliance with the deadlines for providing the necessary documents and materials, the  secretary has the right to petition the chairman of the academic council to remove this issue from the agenda.