Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64


Code – 6B01519

Qualification: Bachelor of Education in the educational program “6B01519 Physics”

List of qualifications and positions

– Teacher. High school teacher

– Teacher. College teacher

Sphere of professional activity

– designing the educational process in educational institutions;

– education and development of children and young students in general educational institutions, educational institutions and centres;

– the science;

– organizations, institutions and enterprises associated with the use of physical research methods.

Objects of professional activity

– educational institutions of state and non-state funding, schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, educational institutions of technical and vocational education;

– organizations of science: scientific, research centres in the field of physics and teaching methods;

– management organizations: government authorities, departments of education;

– organizations of various forms of ownership that use physical research methods in their work.

Subjects of professional activity

– the educational process in the unity of its value-target guidelines, content, methods, forms and results;

– research, innovation, information and analytical activities in the field of physics and teaching methods;

– the technological process of design, and implementation of physical research methods;

– education of students using innovative pedagogical methods and means, teaching physics;

– goals, objectives, content, forms of organization of training and education;

– implementation of the requirements of state regulatory documents in the field of education, the concepts of Education Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

– a personality-oriented process of education.

Types of professional activity

-socio-pedagogical – creating favourable conditions and providing humanitarian and pedagogical support for the full life, education and development of students;

– educational – training and development of students, organization of the process of education and upbringing, design and management of the pedagogical process, diagnostics, correction, prediction of the results of pedagogical activity;

– research – organization and conduct of scientific research in the field of physics and teaching methods;

– organizational and methodological – the study, generalization and dissemination of the experience of innovative learning.

Functions of professional activity

– implementation of pedagogical and educational activities, including the use of modern pedagogical and information technologies;

– conducting scientific research in the chosen direction and related industries;

– participation at all stages of design, implementation and maintenance of the results of scientific research;

– effective use of information and communication technologies on a scientific basis for organizing one’s work and self-study.

Standard tasks of professional activity:

-design and management of the educational process of students;

-diagnostic, corrective, communicative, methodical work in the conditions of using modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies;

– research work in the field of physics and teaching methods;

– conducting experimental studies and processing the results;

– organization of the technological process of production and processing of information resources using communication tools and technologies.

Areas of professional activity

– educational work;

– pedagogical work;

– educative work.

The content of the professional activity

– high-quality organization and management of the educational process and orientation towards the active development of the methods of cognitive activity by the student, the personal significance of education;

– orientation of training to the personality of the student, ensuring the possibility of his self-disclosure, and self-realization;

– the use of various technologies of training and education, the main purpose of which is to involve talented and capable children in creative activities;

– the creation of favourable conditions for self-education and professional orientation of students.