Rector’s blog
Good day, dear visitors of the website of the Kostanay Social-Technical University named after academician Zulkharnay Aldamzhar!
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to my personal blog!
It was created so that you can ask a question, share a problem or your opinion and suggestions on University life issues.
Together we can achieve great results!
Abdullin Ruslan Batyrzhanovich
Rector of Kostanay social and technical University named after Academician Zulkharnai Aldamzhar. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor.
Phone: 8 (7142) 55-41-42 ,
8 (7142) 55-40-09
Ask a question to the Rector of the University
Questions and answers
Здравствуйте! Подскажите пожалуйста к кому обратиться о цифровизации диплома. На работе запросили ,что бы электронный формат внесён в приложение Каспий (28.01.2025)
Здравствуйте, подскажите можно ли перевестись к вам на второй семестр с универа Байтурсынова? И сколько будет лет обучение? Я заканчиваю в 2025 (17.09.2024)
Добрый день, Анастасия! По вопросам перевода и восстановления можете написать на ватсап 8 777 409 49 79
Добрый день хочу поступить на магистратуру в сфере экологии имею бакалавр Юриспруденция Учился в ЧелГУ очно, можете проконсультировать меня буду благодарен (19.06.2024)
Добрый день, Жанат! Для получения консультации по поступлению в наш университет, Вы можете позвонить нам по номеру 87072554264, либо написать на WhatsApp 87072554264
What is the passing score to study as a lawyer? (10.04.2024)
Good afternoon! To enroll in the Jurisprudence educational program you need to score 75 points (minimum score), “Mathematical Literacy” – 10 tasks, 10 points, threshold score – 3.
“Reading literacy” – 10 tasks, 10 points, threshold score – 3.
“History of Kazakhstan” – 20 tasks, 20 points, threshold score – 5.
1st profile subject “World History” – 40 tasks, 50 points, threshold score – 5.
2nd profile subject “Fundamentals of Law” – 40 tasks, 50 points, threshold score – 5.
We wish you successful passing of the UNT. If you have any questions, you can contact the university admissions office at Kobylandy Batyr avenue 27, room 102 or by calling 8-707-255-42-64.
Hello! How to join a debate club? (13.03.2024)
Good afternoon! For questions about joining the debate club, you need to contact the Educational Department. Contacts for communication with the department:,
8 (7142) 55-38-14
Hello! I need confirmation of my diploma! How can I do it? Issued Azhmagambet S.O. (05.02.2024)
Good afternoon! We were sent an official letter from the school confirming the diploma issued by Azhmagambet S.O. We sent an official response dated 05.02.2024 to the school
Good afternoon. Do you have a dormitory for students who are not from Kostanay? (14.12.2023)
Good afternoon! Yes, we have dormitories for non-resident students. Information about the dormitories and photographs can be found on the website in the “Dormitories” section – link
Hello! Who can I contact to sign up for a dance club? (23.11.2023)
Good afternoon! To sign up for our dance club “Limerence”, please call 8-775-342-95-02, Taktarbekova Aiym, choreographer
Good afternoon! I would like to know what subjects need to be taken at the UNT to become a physical education teacher and coach and what is the passing score? (17.10.2023)
Good afternoon! Applicants take tests on “History of Kazakhstan”, “Reading Literacy”, “Mathematical Literacy”; there are creative exams as a separate block, which are taken at the university. The minimum passing score for pedagogical specialties is 75. If you have any questions, you can contact the admissions committee on WhatsApp 8 707 2 55 42 64
Hello, how can I contact you and get a consultation? (25.09.2023)
Good afternoon! For advice, you can call 8 (7142) 55-42-64 , 8 (707) 255-42-64 , or send an email to
Hello! I wanted to know if you have these disciplines, I wanted to take summer semesters at your university. May I know the price for one credit? (28.05.2023)
Hello, regarding this issue, you can contact the Registrar’s Office department by phone number: 8 (7142) 39-02-72
Hello, how much does tuition cost per year at your university? (24.05.2023)
Good afternoon, you can find out information on tuition fees by courses, educational programs, forms of study by phone number 8 (707) 255-42-64
Hello! I would like to ask you about admission. My son wants to enter the sports faculty after the 9th grade and he has citizenship of the Russian Federation. Upon admission, do you need to take some tests or how is the admission going? How many years of training, what is the amount per year, is there accommodation in a dormitory? I will be very grateful to you for your answer. (15.05.2023)
Hello! After the 9th grade, you can only go to college. Admission to the university is carried out only after the 11th grade.