Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64
Проспект Кобыланды батыра, 27
8 (7142) 55-42-64
8 (707) 255-42-64

The greatest wealth is health!

Feb 15, 2023

On February 15, 2023, an on-site appointment with a dermatologist was held in the medical office of the Kostanay Social-Technical University named after academician Z. Aldamzhar.

The main goal and task is to identify and consult skin diseases at an early stage to be able to maintain and strengthen one’s health.

During the event, a dermatologist, a doctor of the highest category of the youth health centre “Jastar MED” Nazarova D. Z. gave highly qualified advice to students on dermatological issues.

Some students were offered a pre-examination, which includes free laboratory tests and ultrasound in the clinic as part of the youth program.

It is important to have compulsory health insurance (CSHI).